Hello World

Honolulu Hawaii

Honolulu Hawaii

Hello World! Aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. My screen name is bbchen. I lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with my wife and two little kids, where I write, read, and run.

Change will come; may you have the wisdom and courage to adapt
— Robert Hazen

This is the first post from Zen Life, a blog maintained by myself. I will post my thoughts, writings, and anything I found useful to this blog. If you would like to contact me, feel free to twitter or email me.

As a note to myself in this "Hello World!" message, I would like to form the following writing and reading habits in the new year:

  • Writing: I am going to write on average one blog post (at least 700 words) every 2-3 weeks to record my life and keep myself on track.
  • Reading: I am going to read one book per month. See my Book Reading List, which will be updated routinely.

If you find anything useful in my website, feel free to share them. All the content in my website is uncopyrighted.

by bbchen