How to overcome procrastination?

Everyone is the slave of procrastination. When a task is difficult, people are trying to avoid it. So people often procrastinate. That is, we will do the important ask unless we have to do it in the last minute. You can imagine how anxious and desperate you are when you find that the important task has not been finished and the deadline is just hours away. What we usually do is to scratch our heads and force us to finish it, as the price of not finishing the important task is extremely high. Read more...

Habit 1, Become an Early Riser

Right now, I get up at about 7 am and sleep at midnight (12-1 am). In the month of January, I will sleep early and get up early. My final aim is to get up at 5 am in the morning, after 6-7 hours sleep. So I need to sleep before 11 pm. Read more...

Reflection of 2015 and Plan for 2016

A lot of people often perform reflection in the new year and set plans for the upcoming new year. Read more...

Hello World

Aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. My screen name is bbchen. I lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with my wife and two little kids, where I write, read, and run. Read more...