Habit 1, Become an Early Riser

Right now, I get up at about 7 am and sleep at midnight (12-1 am). In the month of January, I will sleep early and get up early. My final aim is to get up at 5 am in the morning, after 6-7 hours sleep. So I need to sleep before 11 pm.

New habit: Become an early riser

To form this habit of rising at 5am, I would like to break the habits into the following easy steps:

  1. Week 1: Get up at 6:30 am, sleep early at 11:30 pm,
  2. Week 2: Get up at 6:00 am, sleep early at 11:00 pm,
  3. Week 3: Get up at 5:30 am,
  4. Week 4: Get up at 5:00 am,
  5. Week 5-6: Finally reinforce the new habit of becoming an early riser.

After the habit-forming steps, I hope I can get up at 5 am in the morning after enough sleep.

As soon as I get up, I should start the morning routine:

  1. Drink a warm cup of water or tea
  2. Stretch or exercise, or meditate.
  3. Check the Inbox, and set the three most important tasks (MIT) for the day
  4. Start to work on the first MIT (mostly writing) right away


  • Week 1: Mostly get up at 7 am
  • Week 2: Mostly get up at 6 am
  • Week 3: Mostly get up at 5:30 am and start to work at 5:30 am.